签到天数: 2089 天 连续签到: 1 天 [LV.Master]伴坛终老IIII
楼主 |
发表于 2009-3-17 16:25
How to import Excel file into JTable
Here are three way to do this.
Use \"JTableReadTableModelTask \" to do this. ( recommended )
Use \"ReadTableModelTask\" to do this
Use ModelIOto do this.
The first and second the way will run in the background thread, the third way will run in current thread.1. Use \"JTableReadTableModelTask \"to do this. (recommended)
Here is the sample code to import excel file:
JTable jTable = new JTable();
String excelFileName = \"excelFileName.xls\";
File file = new File(excelFileName ); //‘file’ is the file you want to load.
JProgressBarprogressBar = new JProgressBar(); //‘progressBar’ will show how much data it have loaded.
JTableReadTableModelTask task = new JTableReadTableModelTask(file, null, progressBar, jTable);
2.Use \"ReadTableModelTask\"to do this.
Use ReadTableModelTask, you must inherit it first, and override itsmethod done(),in the done method, you can use following statement toget a TableModel,this is not convenient, so we recommend the firstway to do this:
Object o = get();
if(o instanceof TableModel) {
TableModel model = (TableModel)get();
3.Use ModelIOto do this.
Here is the sample code, also you could put the following code into abackground thread, For example: use javax.swing.SwingWorker.
Map m = new HashMap();
// you could set progressBar in the map,for example: m.put(ModelIO.PROGRESS_BAR, progressBar);
WorkBook book = ModelIO.readWorkBook(openUrl, format, m);
TableModel tableModel;
if(book.getSelectedSheet() != null) {
tableModel = book.getSelectedSheet().getModel();
} else if(book.getSheetCount() > 0) {
tableModel = book.getSheet(0).getModel();
} |