The KMPlayer 1435 pre2
Please find enclosed an execution file which is bug-fixed and updated.
It is only an execution file not for an installation.
Please over-write it to the default directory.
- Support redirect URL play.
- Adjust playlist in order to show it as the XP style
- Solve a player-down problem when it plays 0byte avi clip.
- Adjustment for change play point of mx audio file.
- Solve a player-down problem when user use a repeat-play feature for some mx audio files.
- Solved the 100% audio bug
The KMPlayer 1435 pre2
Please find enclosed an execution file which is bug-fixed and updated.
It is only an execution file not for an installation.
Please over-write it to the default directory.
- Support redirect URL play.
- Adjust playlist in order to show it as the XP style
- Solve a player-down problem when it plays 0byte avi clip.
- Adjustment for change play point of mx audio file.
- Solve a player-down problem when user use a repeat-play feature for some mx audio files.
- Solved the 100% audio bug
The KMPlayer 1435 pre2
Please find enclosed an execution file which is bug-fixed and updated.
It is only an execution file not for an installation.
Please over-write it to the default directory.
- Support redirect URL play.
- Adjust playlist in order to show it as the XP style
- Solve a player-down problem when it plays 0byte avi clip.
- Adjustment for change play point of mx audio file.
- Solve a player-down problem when user use a repeat-play feature for some mx audio files.
- Solved the 100% audio bug
XMLFox 这个编辑是用于写作的一件图形的工具,更新,探索,- 检查或者证实 XML 文件。让 XML 开发者创造计划,显示 XML 文件将因为那个计划看起来象是的视觉的代表。有涨价有意识剪切和粘贴行动的一个定界符有意识 XML 数据编辑,解除,成直角的选择,清楚的诊断和处理共同的 XML/XSD 编辑任务的其他创新有吸引力的工具。特别推出彻底的 XSD 确认,但是 doesn '' t 需要一 XSD(XML 程序定义)。XMLFox 包括 XML 风景, XML 树, XML 格子,和 XML 脚本方式编辑
Process Lasso 是一款独特的调试级别的系统优化工具,主要功能是动态调整各个进程的优先级并设为合理的优先级类以实现为系统减负的目的,此项特性被 Process Lasso 定义为过载抑制(out-of-control restraint),可有效避免蓝屏、假死、进程停止响应、进程占用 CPU 时间过多等症状。同时它还具备前台进程推进、工作集修整、进程黑名单等附加特性。Process Lasso 对您系统的优化是完全实时+智能的,不会修改任何系统既有配置。且其支持命令行操作和服务器《=》客户端的远程管理,而内核又可脱离用户界面单独运行,因此普遍适用于普通家庭用户和专业工作环境。网友申请汉化此软件时提到另一款同类软件 Process Tamer,据说 Tamer 没有 Lasso 强大,Tamer 我个人尚未使用过,没有发言权,不过倒是建议作为汉化用户的您两个都试试,测试软件是一件很有意思的事情,呵呵,我就比较喜欢当白鼠!注意:这两个东东都是专为 Windows NT/XP/2000/2003 设计的,不适用于 9X。此软件的命令行内核其实对于懒人是
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1、新增对360安全卫士的强力保护,使360安全卫士再也不会被木马病毒关闭,保护系统更安全。 HOT
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Sony Ericsson PC Suite是一套免费软件,用来增强Sony Ericsson 移动电话的功能,包括下列软件程序:文件管理器,图像编辑器,Sony Ericsson MMS Home Studio,移动网络向导,同步站..
Sony Ericsson PC Suite是一套免费软件,用来增强Sony Ericsson 移动电话的功能,包括下列软件程序:
Sony Ericsson文件管理器
Sony Ericsson图像编辑器
Sony Ericsson MMS Home Studio
Sony Ericsson移动网络向导
Sony Ericsson同步站
同步Microsoft Outlook(通讯录、日历、记事及工作)、Outlook Express(通讯录)或Windows Address Book与Sony Ericsson手机数据