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开发者发行版:ClarkConnect 5.0 Alpha 1

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发表于 2009-2-14 07:37 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
只要拥有Linux开源软件的帮助,并且再拥有一点来自ClarkConnect的帮助,你就可以将一台标准的PC机转化成一台专用的宽带网关和易用的网络服务器。ClarkConnect对小型企业、家庭办公室和联网家庭而言是一份优秀的解决方案。它在Red Hat的基础上移除了不必要的软件并进行了安全加固,一些有用的Internet网关软件被添加进来,并且安装过程也被设计得更加简便。

Point Clark Networks has announced the availability of the first alpha release of ClarkConnect 5.0, a CentOS based server and gateway distribution: \"ClarkConnect5.0 Alpha 1 is now available. Highlights: CentOS 5.x - except for a fewloose ends, the underlying software is running CentOS 5.x withup-to-date non-CentOS software; LDAP and Samba - a great deal of efforthas gone into the underlying LDAP architecture; protocol filter -blocking peer-to-peer, chats, streaming media, and all sorts of networktraffic is now possible with the L7-Filter; Hello YUM, farewell APT -now that YUM is standard in CentOS, ClarkConnect has moved on; setupwizard - veteran ClarkConnect users will notice that a setup wizard inthe web-based administration tool is now an important part of theinstallation process.\" Read the complete release notes for further information. Download: community-5.0-alpha1.iso (540MB).

签到天数: 21 天

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 楼主| 发表于 2009-2-14 07:37 | 显示全部楼层

开发者发行版:ClarkConnect 5.0 Alpha 1

只要拥有Linux开源软件的帮助,并且再拥有一点来自ClarkConnect的帮助,你就可以将一台标准的PC机转化成一台专用的宽带网关和易用的网络服务器。ClarkConnect对小型企业、家庭办公室和联网家庭而言是一份优秀的解决方案。它在Red Hat的基础上移除了不必要的软件并进行了安全加固,一些有用的Internet网关软件被添加进来,并且安装过程也被设计得更加简便。

Point Clark Networks has announced the availability of the first alpha release of ClarkConnect 5.0, a CentOS based server and gateway distribution: \"ClarkConnect5.0 Alpha 1 is now available. Highlights: CentOS 5.x - except for a fewloose ends, the underlying software is running CentOS 5.x withup-to-date non-CentOS software; LDAP and Samba - a great deal of efforthas gone into the underlying LDAP architecture; protocol filter -blocking peer-to-peer, chats, streaming media, and all sorts of networktraffic is now possible with the L7-Filter; Hello YUM, farewell APT -now that YUM is standard in CentOS, ClarkConnect has moved on; setupwizard - veteran ClarkConnect users will notice that a setup wizard inthe web-based administration tool is now an important part of theinstallation process.\" Read the complete release notes for further information. Download: community-5.0-alpha1.iso (540MB).
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签到天数: 21 天

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 楼主| 发表于 2009-2-14 07:37 | 显示全部楼层

开发者发行版:ClarkConnect 5.0 Alpha 1

只要拥有Linux开源软件的帮助,并且再拥有一点来自ClarkConnect的帮助,你就可以将一台标准的PC机转化成一台专用的宽带网关和易用的网络服务器。ClarkConnect对小型企业、家庭办公室和联网家庭而言是一份优秀的解决方案。它在Red Hat的基础上移除了不必要的软件并进行了安全加固,一些有用的Internet网关软件被添加进来,并且安装过程也被设计得更加简便。

Point Clark Networks has announced the availability of the first alpha release of ClarkConnect 5.0, a CentOS based server and gateway distribution: \"ClarkConnect5.0 Alpha 1 is now available. Highlights: CentOS 5.x - except for a fewloose ends, the underlying software is running CentOS 5.x withup-to-date non-CentOS software; LDAP and Samba - a great deal of efforthas gone into the underlying LDAP architecture; protocol filter -blocking peer-to-peer, chats, streaming media, and all sorts of networktraffic is now possible with the L7-Filter; Hello YUM, farewell APT -now that YUM is standard in CentOS, ClarkConnect has moved on; setupwizard - veteran ClarkConnect users will notice that a setup wizard inthe web-based administration tool is now an important part of theinstallation process.\" Read the complete release notes for further information. Download: community-5.0-alpha1.iso (540MB).
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