此前关于谌龙和王适娴是情侣关系的传闻一直在各种羽毛球论坛中传播,也许是为了保护两人的恋情,也许是当事人不愿被炒作,圈内人对此一直缄口不言。然而,在本次全英公开赛期间,路透社从1/4决赛开始就以谌龙的“女友”(girlfriend)来定义王适娴。在两人双双晋级四强后,路透社说,“在周五双双晋级全英赛半决赛后,中国的男单卫冕冠军谌龙和女友王适娴向着两人恋情的幸福结局迈进。”(China's holder Chen Long and his girlfriend Wang Shixian are on track for a happy ending to their love affair with the All England Open Badminton Champi**hips after reaching the singles semi-finals on Friday。)
在周日的决赛中,谌龙0-2输给李宗伟,未能卫冕,而“他的女友王适娴则收获了喜悦,她以21-19和21-18击败头号种子、奥运冠军李雪芮,夺得女单冠军。(While Chen went home empty-handed, there was joy for his girlfriend Wang Shixian after she beat top seed and Olympic champion Li Xuerui 21-19 21-18 to capture the women's title。)”路透社在赛后再次提及了两人的恋情。