it has been a long ride, but now we are finally halfway there We are once again happy to present you a new shiny version: eMule 0.50a. Many small but nonetheless important fixes and changes were made, but the main features of this new version are:
Making eMules file verifying algorithm future proof by combining the ed2k hash with the AICH hash to identify and verify downloaded parts and files. This guarantuees that existing and newly found MD4 weaknesses will not affect eMules ability to deliver uncorrupted files in the future.
Several GUI improvements, like supporting new taskbar features of Windows7, easier access to download commands by adding a new toolbar, a improved shared files dialog and a brand new Kad graph to look and wonder at
Better usability in small LANs by adjusting Kad to such an environment and supporting highspeed uploads
And as always fixing bugs and adding other small changes
eMule 0.50a BETA1
- Mar, 8. 2010 -
.: Fixed a bug which caused the "Add files to download in paused mode" otpion to not work properly in all cases
.: Fixed a visual glitch on taksbar notifiers when using the Aero theme [gureedo]